
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some catching up

Posting yesterday's series of 'following in the footsteps' turned out to be an exercise in decrypting error messages (from blogspot) which weren't messages as such, just lack of response.   In the end, I concluded that this blog doesn't like posts with too many photos in them (no matter how small) - so I may be making changes!

In other news:  Nick Wilcox-Brown pointed me towards the blog, who in turn are all excited about their own detective work, an exclusive look at collaborative working that Apple has taken patents on.   (Hasn't Peter W had enough to do with the Tour de France?).

Like all patents, I guess, the real details are left to the imagination.  And like much recent hype over 'cloud' working, there's a supposition of bandwidth availability that's over-optimistic for many.   (Not so much here at Bright Filament, though, where we've had the joy of fibre-enabled 76Mbps for the last month - at a monthly cost less than the 128kbps ISDN line of 15 years ago.  Sometimes progress really does happen).

I've been exploring collaboration too - inspired by the guys at MacBreak Studio, specifically Steve Martin (not the comic, the FCP master trainer) who have come up with a work-round for sharing FCP X project files.   Two caveats:  FCP X is very sensitive in its project/events file system area, and you monkey around there at your peril;  and the workflow relies on having two identical sets of event files at each site.   That's easy to do at the beginning, but how does this method cope with extra shoots, and the inevitable complexities that projects accrue as they're worked on.   See the video here.   You can also find the MacBreak Studio videos on their dedicated YouTube channel.    If I may be so bold though - Steve's explanation of this cunning plan is a little confusing because of the way he's had to set up the studio demo.   So at one point he's effectively using the same laptop as remote and as local edit station - he's not wrong, but you have to pay attention!

And of course, there's Lightworks, whose byline is 'the smart way to edit together'.   Still at Windows only, but with a small update this month to version 11.0.1 and with a newly designed quick-start guide to whet your appetites.    It's a well designed, and mercifully brief, highly visual guide to the first steps on the road.