
Monday, March 01, 2010

Tonight's the night

for the wefcpug March meeting.  If, that is, you are reading this blog on Monday 1st March.

Almost a record, blogging the forthcoming meeting after it's happened, but I have finally disentangled myself from the non-urgent tasks of life to reach the keyboard.

Assuming all goes well in the next hour, I'll be talking storage, showing off some new options, and, with more relevance than ever before, how you find the stuff you stored away one year afterwards.   There's a fabulous prize to be won in our new-look raffle, plus all those web goodies you've been emailing me about.  Well, some of them anyway.

And, wait, there's more.   When I hand over to Richard...
...yes, it's the usual place - BBC bar in Bristol, kickoff at 7pm.  Names to R so security know whom to expect.