There was a request to shift to 2nd Monday not 1st for meetings, (and it's been difficult to get things together anyway so) the request is granted and we're setting the controls of wefcpug to point at Monday 13th March at, we hope, the usual place, 7pm.
There's an element of 'BYO' about the meeting - bring your own videos / problems / tales of success. I'll have (yet) more Software of the Month, and it's FREE this month. Richard promised to 'make' a DVD before our very eyes: his demo is 'hardware dependent'.
If you're desolate about the thought of waiting another whole week for a meeting, there's a talk hosted by the RTS Bristol Centre on Thursday March 9th at 7.30pm Local producer/director Martin Weitz, of 'Focus Productions' is presenting 'How to get a commission for an unfilmable film'. The film is 'The Boy with the Incredible Brain', commissioned by 5, which won the RTS West of England 'Best Network Feature' award last December. The meeting is open to all, no charge, and it's at the BBC - entry via the security gate at the back.
Phil Ashby