
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Jan 2006 quick report and notes

This is called a 'quick report' because I don't want to tread too far down the path of this blog until I know it's a firm one (ie you can all read it!) - there's confidence in IT for you.
A fine start to the New Year, with Steve Jobs timing his speech just right for Richard's arrival with Blackberry. Thanks Steve - we'll be happy to trial any of the new Intel machines as soon as you can deliver.
I mentioned a software PPM that fell across my field of view this week - it's called 'PPMulator' and looks like this
Actually I've resized the screen-grab a little to fit this post, and it's resizable anyway - as well as configurable to other sorts of meters. (Bargraphs, Mono, etc).
With a couple of provisos that I mentioned at the meeting - it works best as a plug-in, but it's a VST plug-in which isn't usable directly in FCP - this little app should be welcomed on every desktop, especially at the £20.00 price. Reading the company's website, they're aware of the need to fit into FCP!
should get you there.