
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Where'd they go to?

This blog is the archived history of the wefcpug, that's the West of England Final Cut Pro user group, to give us our full title.  It went into suspended animation in July 2014.   This was mostly due to the fragmentation of edit systems that began in 2013, initially with the launch of FCP X, but also with the relaunches of Lightworks and Adobe's Creative Mess (the program previously known asPremiere Pro).   It was also because we ran out of things to say to each other about FCP :-)

Currently we've no plans for regular face-to-face meetings, although there are infrequent get-togethers of previous group members.

Phil has now migrated to FCP X for 'real' work, which recently included a 90 min HD theatrical project, shot on 4 cameras at 1080p/50 and went without a hitch.  He's just finished work on the 2015 BBC production of 'General Election' - this is a BBC long-form ob doc that shoots every 5 years for 3 days.

Richard can still be found training away on FCP X - follow the links in the blog posts!

Phil,May 2015