Greetings from the snowclad northern heights of Bath, where the gritting lorry rarely visits so we shoulder our own shovels. I've dug my way out of the last project, with the DVD master safely at the duplicators, so what's happening in the world? How many new cameras, new codecs, new edit systems have been launched in the last 6 weeks? Em, quite a few actually. How to keep up???
Assuming that you can tunnel your own ways out to the glittering media hub that is BBC Bristol on Monday night, you should find there's another wefcpug night taking place. 7pm at the BBC Club, entry via the back security gate, names to Richard as usual etc.etc.
Plan A is that the December meet will be more programme content than tech detail (but don't we always say that?). I'll have a choice scene from the Ben Hur epic to dissect, and Richard may well have a car or two up his RAID, I mean sleeve. Plus all the FCP questions that we've not had the time to solve over the last meeting (or two, or three). And bring your own (footage that is) - let's see some movie!!
So that's Monday 6 December, as planned (that's a first) for the Dec 2010 wefcpug.