And cue another set of fanfares please, join with us as wefcpug celebrates our 5th birthday with an extra special meeting. Details have 'evolved' a little since the last meeting, and from the emailings that have been decorating your electronic pigeon holes. So read carefully:
We've arranged a special evening in conjunction with Quad Logic at Aardman's new private cinema at Gas Ferry Road, Bristol.
This is a ticket only do (£5.00 each) with all proceeds going to The Wallace & Gromit Appeal Fund. (Sorry, no spouses, partners, etc.) Send no money now, it'll be collected on the night. If you would like to come along then you MUST please let Richard know as we only have a limited number of spaces
And what's on the agenda?
Well, first and foremost the guys at Quad Logic (and our old friends from London, On-Sight) are there all day demonstrating FCP 7, Red, CatDV, Color 1.5, etc... If they have any energy left then they'll carry on in the evening just for us! We can't presume that this will happen but I bet it does! (If you want to know more about what Quad Logic are doing during the day then get in touch with Ken at Quad Logic -
Plus we want a showing! Please bring with you about 5 minutes (no more, please) of the best of what you have done with Final Cut Studio, preferably on DVD - or on some format that we can play off a Mac! (Other) Production deadlines mean we've shifted away from doing a pre-edit, it'll be a live play-out on the night. So there should be plenty of fun and enjoyment at the slick presentation so typical of a wefcpug playout. With scope for spontaneous applause and audience participation. (Juke Box Jury anyone).
And there'll will be a Phil-style raffle with a prize of one FCS3 UPGRADE courtesy of Apple !!!!!!!
Go on... give us your best, help us kick off another glorious year.
The details -
weFCPug 5th anniversary SuperMeet at Aardman, Gas Ferry Road, 23rd September 2009 @ 6.30pm on.