Yet another thrill-packed meeting awaits us in the once delayed but much anticipated March meeting of wefcpug. Usual place & time (7pm, BBC Whiteladies Rd, backdoor entrance - names to Richard beforehand please to help security).
In a rash moment, whilst committing the last 'Stump the Guru' to disc for the podcast, I volunteered to make the subject of metadata a compelling and entertaining 10 minutes (I know, you'll be the judge of that).
Richard will be taking us through 'Wordlogger' - a logging program
and (I think) Kevin will reprise his demo of CatDV - pure AV delight.
Stump the Gurus but no questions about BLTs please and 'Show n Tell' - bring your masterpieces along (if they're short and portable).
PLUS some news about coming benefits for members
AND some new faces in the crowd. They're on the email list, they know the time and place and all that remains is to teach them the secret handshakes.
See you on Monday next.