
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

July meeting - next week

It's triple 7 night for wefcpug, final meeting of the season:

7pm on the 7th of the 7th - usual place.

Which translates as next Monday night, BBC Bristol, names as ever to Richard*.

We've had our high-level tele-conference and the agenda thus far looks as though it'll include a piece from R about motion tracking in Motion, and probably a moan from me about Motion too (unless I get this 3d project done in time). Another boxed bit of bits to raffle off (those very nice people from SoftPress have come up with an update), and my roundup of what's been happening in the MacoSphere this month. Now, if only these software updates would STOP coming...


*also let R know if you're interesting in coming to an eaterie afterward as we celebrate another Glorious Wefcpug Year. Need numbers and suggestions this week!